
Showing posts from September, 2011

Million More Times Piety

vastuḥ koṭi-guṇaṁ śrutaṁ hi sukṛtaṁ vāso’nna-vāsādibhiḥ tīrthe vāsayituḥ svayaṁ hi tarati dvau tau sa yat tārayet | premānanda-rasātma-dhāmani pare vṛndāvana-vāsakas tv āścaryāṁ vṛṣabhānujā-priya-ratiṁ prāpnoty anāyāsataḥ || Anyone who helps others reside in Vrindavan by supplying them with food, clothes and residence, accumulates a million more times piety than one who resides there, because one who resides there delivers only himself, whereas one who helps others reside there delivers himself as well as those that he helps. One who helps someone reside in the highest blissful abode of Vrindavan easily develops wonderful attachment for Krishna, the beloved Lord of the daughter of Vrishabhanu. (VMA 1.73)