
Showing posts from June, 2018

Gokul Mathura Dwarka Vaikunta

Designed by BV Tridandi Swami / Illustrated by Jaya-Gopal dasa To the top left of the map is the  catur sloki  Bhagavatam verse “ aham evasam evagre… ” proclaiming that before anything else existed there was only Sri Krsna. Therefore in the center of the map, at the top, is Sri Krsna. On the right of this is the  catur sloki  Gita verse stating Krsna to be the source of all the spiritual and material worlds “ aham sarvasya prabhavo… ”. Thus all creation has only Sri Krsna as its source. Krsna manifests His  svarupa-sakti , His pleasure potency, in the form of Srimati Radharani. Radha and Krsna are one, just as musk and its scent or fire and its heat are one, “ radha purna sakti krsna purna saktiman… ”. Within the whorl of the lotus of  svarupa-sakti  to the left, is Sriman Mahaprabhu in Svetadvipa (behind Radha and Krsna). Krsna and His  sakhas , the cowherd boys, are in the center, and to the right Krsna is in the groves with the  gopis . In the forefront Radha and Krsna are in Seva K