Radha Krishna Appear as Parrots in Vrindavana

Suka and Sari lovingly quarell about Youthful Divine Couple Shri Radhe Krishna.

Once In Bahulavana , Sriman Chaityna Mahaprabhu saw a female and male parrot (Sari and Suka) sitting opposite each other on two branches of a tree, lovingly quarrelling about the glories of the Divine Couple, Shri Radha -Krishna..

Suka: My Krishna is Madana-Mohana, the enchanter of Cupid’s mind.

Sari: Yes, He is as long as my Radha is at His left side. Otherwise, He is only Madana (Cupid).

Suka: My Krishna lifted Giriraja (Govardhana) on His finger.

Sari: Because my Radha transmitted power into Him; otherwise, how could He have done so?

Suka: My Krishna is the life of the whole universe.

Sari: My Radha is the life of that life.

Suka: My Krishna head is beautifully decorated with a peacock feather.

Sari: Only because my Radha’s name is marked on that feather.

Suka: The peacock-feather on my Krishna’s head leans to the left.

Sari: Because it wants to bow down to my Radha’s feet.

Suka: My Krishna is the moon.

Sari: My Radha is the trap that captures that moon.

Suka: There is no need to quarrel uselessly. Let us glorify the Youthful Couple together.

Sari: I happily agree to this.

This loving quarrel between the Suka and Sari is also described in Govinda-Lilamrita. Here, the male parrot says :

“May our Lord Jaga mohana, whose unparalleled beauty plunders the wealth of patience of an innumerable multitude of women, whose world-famous glory astounds even Lakshmi devi, whose strength turns the majestic Govardhana mountain into a child’s toy, who has unlimited qualities, whose simple disposition entertains everyone, and whose glory substantiates the welfare of the entire universe, protect the entire world.”

Hearing this, the female parrot replies :

“Suka, Shri Radhika’s divine love, beauty, dancing, excellent calmness, expertise in music, wealth of good qualities, and poetic compositions, or in other words, Her erudition, are all so attractive that She steals away the heart of Sri Krishna, who enchants the mind of the entire universe.”

The male parrot then says :

“Dear Sari, all glories to Sri Madana-Mohana, the enchanter of Cupid, who carries a flute. He steals the heart of all the women in the entire universe, and enjoys with the gopies.”

After hearing the parrot’s loving quarrel, Sriman Mahaprabhu watched the dance of the peacocks. Seeing their bluish necks He remembered Krishna and became so overwhelmed in ecstatic love that He fell down on the earth in a faint.

Glory be to Youthful Divine Couple Shri Radha- Shri Krishna


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